
Showing posts from December, 2017
Tips for Black and White Portrait Photography A POST BY :-SAHIL SWAMI   Camera Settings: My camera settings are simple. Using a fast lens, I try to shoot as close to wide open as possible - usually an aperture of somewhere between f/1.4 and f/2.2, maybe f/3.2 if the situation calls for it. Shutter speed is set to the situation and ISO is usually locked in on 400 or so (I can hear all the technical shooters grumbling and cussing at me right now). Taking the Photo: Model Posing: The connection between you and your subject is perhaps the most overlooked aspect of any photo shoot.  Posing should be natural.Ask you subject about movie. Ask them to think about their favorite person. Choose black and white in spite of color  This can be a difficult concept to understand without seeing it, so I have included an example of a color version of one the images above. Ask yourself: How did your perception of the photos change? What did you notice first in each of the...