sunset photography tips.
1.Starburst. When the sun is in the frame, set your aperture to f/22 to get the starburst effect. The wider the lens, the more pronounced the starburst effect. Also, make sure the front element of your lens is totally clean.
2.HDR images.(High Dynamic Range)photography is perfect for sunset shotsdue to high contrast range when you are shooting into the sun.The greater the contrast range the greater the number of pictures you need to take,
3.No filters.When shooting into the sun,remove all filters from your lens,even your skylight filters.
4.Change focal length.We've got a better shot by moving further away and using a longer focal length. The lighthouse is the same size and is much straighter because we haven't had to tilt the camera. There's a smaller area of sky in the background now, so the sun is larger and we've filled the frame with that rich, orange glow.
5.shot the sun.
6.Hide the sun. If the sun is still quite high in the sky it might be too intense in the shot, so try hiding it behind another object, such as this lighthouse.
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