Lifestyle Photography

tips for creating fantastic lifestyle photography shots

Turn them until you find the light on their face. I LOVE backlight but sometimes you just have to keep turning your subject until their face is illuminated nicely.

If you want to de-clutter, open curtains, etc. do it before the pictures begin. kids can sense when pictures are about to happen. If you are doing all of that in front of them, they may close themselves off & be less open to the camera being out.

. Have your camera out & handy as much as possible.
You never know when something great will happen so be ready so you can snap before the moment is gone.

 .Think of activities your subject enjoys (that would keep them in the same spot for several minutes) then just wait for the sweet expressions to unfold!

1. Anticipate what’s going to happen

Don’t wait to take the shot until you see something happening because some things last only one second and you can miss it.  Be ready.

2.Don’t forget the details

Get a close-up of the lace on a dress, the way someone stands or the way a baby grips a parent’s finger with his entire hand.  These shots are pieces of information that help tell a cherished story.

3.Give your subjects something to do

Lifestyle Photography is the opposite of look-at-me-and-say-cheese type of portraiture. If your subjects have something to do, then you are setting the stage for their personalities to show and they will have natural expressions.
Now I want to see your lifestyle images! If you care to share in the comment box below, I’d love to see!


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