Wedding Photography Tips and Tricks that Will Blow Your Mind.
Are you freaking out about shooting your first wedding!? This article will give you the Top 5 MOST IMPORTANT wedding photography tips that you need to know and implement before shooting your first wedding!
1.Scout the locations
Scouting locations is another MUST DO before the wedding so you can be prepared. You most likely won’t get a chance to see the grooms house or brides house before the day but you can assume it would be like any average home. As long as there is light in the lounge room and master bedroom, then you will be ok .
- Flower
- Tie
- Cufflinks
- Rings
- Cologne
- Watch?
- Ask the groom if there is anything else he wants
Boys Getting Ready
- Boys helping groom with cufflinks
- Boys helping groom with tie
- All boys putting vests on
- All boys helping adjust the back of each others vests
- Slap each in the ass shot!
- All boys grab jackets and do the Roger David shot
- All boys put on jackets
- Hero shot of all the boys fully dressed looking awesome
- Serious and gangster!
- Big smiles
- Hugging and ruffing up the groom!
1.Create a ‘Shot List’.
2.Set expectations with the Couple
Show them your work/style. Find out what they are wanting to achieve, how many shots they want, what key things they want to be recorded, how the shots will be used (print etc). If you’re charging them for the event, make sure you have the agreement of price in place up front!
3.Turn off the sound on your Camera
Beeps during speeches, the kiss and vows don’t add to the event. Switch off sound before hand and keep it off.
4.Shoot in RAW
I know that many readers feel that they don’t have the time for shooting in RAW (due to extra processing) but a wedding is one time that it can be particularly useful as it gives so much more flexibility to manipulate shots after taking them. Weddings can present photographers with tricky lighting which result in the need to manipulate exposure and white balance after the fact – RAW will help with this considerably.
5.Continuous Shooting Mode
Having the ability to shoot a lot of images fast is very handy on a wedding day so switch your camera to continuous shooting mode and use it. Sometimes it’s the shot you take a second after the formal or posed shot when everyone is relaxing that really captures the moment!
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Hope you enjoyed this article detailing in my opinion the 5 top tips to get a beginner photographer ready for their first wedding. If this is you, let me know what you thought! Did it help you? Have you got some better ideas? Did I miss something super important?
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